Saturday, July 3, 2010

Okay, I started a blog yesterday. To tell the truth, I really feel like a geek for doing it. When you think of a blogger, you picture a pasty teenager, a nerdy social outcast who spends all day in his room bent over his computer keyboard, right? Well, that's what I think of. Whatever. I started it because people are always telling me to write in a diary, to express my feelings, blah blah blah. I hate that, don't you? I mean, do they really think that I'm even listening to them? It's kind of like when you go to visit relatives, and they gush over how much you've grown. It just makes you want to stay short forever, so they can't do that. Anyways, I'm getting distracted from the point, so let's move on. When I follow their generous advice and start writing in a diary, I get on great for a couple of days. But as I begin to feel more committed to the task of writing every night before I go to bed, recording my everyday activities seems more like a chore rather than a pleasure, and I tend to make up excuses for not writing. "Oh, I'm too tired tonight," or "Oh, I can afford to miss just one day, can't I?" Eventually I just stop altogether. Also, my hand usually cramps up before I have written what I think of as a suitable amount of detail. However, typing is much less strenuous exercise for the hands, and, while I in no way predict that this documentary will go any better than any of my previous volumes, I am willing to try again.

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